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30 Minute Challenge

I came up with this challenge (doubtful) or read about it somewhere, forgot where I read it, then decided the idea was all mine, ha. It’s not anything new. I’m just trying to stop using the excuse that I don’t have time. So here’s my challenge, write for 30 minutes a day instead of spending that time thinking about writing. Then spend 5 - 10 minutes making a small dent on any other project I want to do but can’t seem to start or finish.

So here we go, here’s my first 30 minutes of writing. Today I’m juggling kids to/from various activities, working my 9-5 job, luckily from home, checking that all twelve chickens are still alive, and trying to get out of my Pjs.


My main goal is to give some priority and make some progress on this blog. My secondary goal is to shorten my list of other projects I want to do.

Other Projects

This is the short list. Why are these on my list? I don't’ know, they sound fun.

  1. Finish knitting a blanket for my oldest child. I started it 16 years ago. It should be the definition of procrastination... 2017 UPDATE: Finished it!!!!!

  2. Learn how to ferment foods, find/purchase a food saver, use the dehydrator, clean the deep freezer and move it.

  3. Sew a reversible wrap skirt. Stop pinning them on pinterest and just make one already. I like the idea of two outfits in one, less space in my closet.

  4. Make goat milk soap. I don’t have goats yet, but it would be good R&D for when we have a lot of goat milk. 2019 UPDATE: Goats check, Goat milk check, Goat cheese, check!!!

  5. Make goat cheese. Same reasons as #3. SEE ABOVE UPDATE!

  6. Make something with all the essential oils I just bought...

  7. Build nest boxes for the chickens, preferably before they need them, which could be just a month or so from now. 2019 UPDATE: Did this twice now and I need to build more again...

  8. Put the shelf back up in my office so my books aren’t piled on the floor.

There are other things on the list, but I don’t want to get overwhelmed. Though I do fear once I’m through with these I’ll just add more. But maybe that’s good. It’s better than the list never moving. I do have to say I feel good just writing these 30 minutes today.

1 Year Knitted Blanket (took 15 years)
1 Year Knitted Blanket (took 15 years)

This is an update, January 2018

Writing for 30 minutes a day did not happen. Finding 30 minutes was much harder than I imagined. Especially at the start of the school year when I was barely able to keep up with our new schedule. Fast forward and it's January 2nd, we're home from the holidays and I feel refreshed and quite versed in all things that are now our routine. However, even though I did not write, I did get quite a few things done on my project list, which was awesome. Now I'm going to try writing again, I really don't want to forget all the happenings of our day-to-day. Not the boring stuff like remembering to brush my teeth without a reminder…

Right now I'm writing this on my cell phone in the laundromat. Glamorous. If laundromats are your thing, you might enjoy my post about why we still regularly go there every week.

As far as my project list. I did finish number 1, which could be a post of it's own. I also started fermenting foods. Also story-worthy, and 6, 7, and 8. Wow, ok, so I didn't write every day, but my project list got shorter. Or did it?

Updated project list:

  1. Purchase a food saver and a new dehydrator, clean the deep freezer and move it. UPDATE: Hey I did clean and move the deep freeze AND purchased a food saver!

  2. Sew a reversible wrap skirt. Stop pinning them on pinterest and just make one already. I like the idea of two outfits in one, less space in my closet. THIS MAY NEVER HAPPEN....

  3. Design a new chicken-coop/goat shed UPDATE: Yes, done! Built and in-use!

  4. Plan next summer's garden

  5. Get the driveway re-graveled UPDATE: Yes and goodness it's expensive...

  6. Write for 30 minutes a day.... (maybe if it's on the list it'll happen!)

Just as I suspected, as soon as one item is checked off, another is added. BUT, progress is being made! Perhaps that's the only truly important thing, progress. (And list making.)


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